Monthly Archives: February, 2024

CA Bill Would Make Property Insurers Ask Applicants If They Have Guns, Report Data to State Government

A bill has been introduced in the California state legislature that would require homeowner and renter insurance providers within the state to collect information from insurance applicants in the state about whether they have firearms and how those...

Dementia sufferer, 83, who stopped driving two years ago is prosecuted by the DVLA in controversial Single Justice Procedure after being accused of ‘letting...

DVLA accused him of 'letting insurance lapse' day after he moved into care homeBeen prosecuted under the procedure? Email: Dan Grennan Published: 02:11...

Property & casualty insurance in 2024: The case for optimism

With more data and new AI-driven options in automated communications, carriers can have two-way dialogues with policyholders, making sure they understand their benefits, highlight their value and better manage expectations. Credit: chartphoto/Adobe Stock Rising property & casualty insurance...

Is renter’s insurance worth the cost?

According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics (, apartment dwellers are 50 percent more likely to be victims of theft than people who own homes. Despite that fact, only “55 percent of U.S. renters, or 61 million people,...

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