Ukraine may soon introduce a military tax on cars, which will increase their cost. Find out more about how much cars will become more expensive and what you need to know about the draft law
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The cost of insuring your home may not go down anytime soon, as insurance companies are jacking up their premiums on homeowners to make up for losses from...
With a record 22.4 million renter households spending more than 30% of their income on rent and utilities, half of all renters were taxed for cash in 2022, the report states. Evictions also increased,...
AM Best has withdrawn the Financial Strength Rating of B++(Good) and the Long-Term Issuer Credit Rating of “bbb” (Good) of Mt. Morris Mutual ...
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The main idea of buying car insurance is to avoid any kind of financial strain in case of an unforeseen situation. Cashless claims are the best solution to the problem of not spending huge amounts for repairs. They...
This is a terrible time to advocate for increasing property insurance rates along the Gulf Coast, akin to punching someone right after he’s been hit by a bus. Hundreds of thousands of coastal residents struggled with no...