Kathleen Walke
Insurance with a personal touch
Kathleen Walke wants every client of the Walke Agency to feel special.
She said her insurance brokerage, 214 E. Main St. Suite B in Festus, is a full-service agency that can meet nearly every personal or small business insurance need.
And most importantly, she said, the Walke Agency takes the time to figure out exactly what each individual client’s needs are before drafting a policy, different from firms that do much of their business on the internet.
“Some people want to go online and be hands off, but if you are not that person and want to understand how your personal life has risks and how to protect your family, that’s what we do really well,” Walke said. “We can sit with your family and say, ‘If this happens, this is how it impacts you.’ We can show how a client’s current coverage handles things, and ask, ‘Is that how you want it handled?’ If it is not, we can look around to find what fits a client’s needs better. We make it interactive. Instead of saying, ‘This is what you have to have,’ we help people understand insurance and find what is best for them and their families. That is what we do best.”
The Walke Agency also does the leg work to find the right policy at the right price for its clients, since it is not tied to an individual insurance provider.
“I think that is a giant value. You can go on our website (walkeagency.com) and fill out your information,” Walke said. “We will shop the top seven or eight companies that fit your criteria. Being able to get that information without having to take off work or do it on a day off, I feel like that is a great resource.”
For information, call 636-725-0136.

Based in New York, Stephen Freeman is a Senior Editor at Trending Insurance News. Previously he has worked for Forbes and The Huffington Post. Steven is a graduate of Risk Management at the University of New York.