HomeRenters Insurance

Renters Insurance

Best Renters Insurance in Chicago (2024)

After reviewing more than 20 providers operating throughout the city, the MarketWatch Guides team named Lemonade, Toggle and State Farm as the best renters insurance providers in Chicago. With an average price of $16.45 per month, renters insurance in Chicago is more expensive than...

Florida Insurers Might Leave Thousands of Hurricane Milton Claims Unpaid

Property insurers are likely to continue denying property insurance claims in the wake of major natural disasters like Hurricanes Milton and Helene, according to insurance ratings company Weiss Ratings.Hurricane Milton barreled through Florida last week, killing at least 16 people and leaving millions...

Today’s Rental was chosen for the kitchen plant, obviously

This rental is located at 7019 Georgia Ave, NW. The Craigslist ad says: “$1,750 / 486ft2 – Steps from Parks at Walter Reed, Studio Available NOW (Takoma Park DC) Beautiful Contemporary Updates in a Historical Building. Change your location and watch the convenience and...

Most California residents are not insured against earthquakes

In 2023, the average CEA premium was about $925, while the average premium for private market earthquake insurance was $885, according to the department’s data. But prices broken down by coverage amount are cheaper from the CEA — and have been declining over the...