HomeInsuranceDon't let commercials fool you — it's not so bad becoming your...

Don’t let commercials fool you — it’s not so bad becoming your parents

Connie Mason Michaelis

OK, I’m finally fed up. I was going to refrain from being negative, but I have to vent.

There are a couple of insurance companies whose advertisements are driving me nuts. The least offensive, but totally stupid, is the one with the ostrich. I’m not going to name companies because, frankly, I have no idea whom they represent, which is a separate issue altogether.

Why would a company think that a pet ostrich would help them sell insurance? There is a slight correlation with having your head in the sand — but even that is a subconscious stretch. How does “only pay for what you need” have to do with an oversized pet bird?

OK, my editor told me the bird is actually an emu. I apologize.

But the one that really gets me riled up is the company that is going to save us from being our parents. Dr. Rick is an expert in Parentology — I assume that is fictitious — and has launched a career in saving young homeowners from becoming their parents.

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