3. Report Your Accident to the Proper Authorities
Once you’ve inspected the scene and documented as much as you can, you need to report your accident to the proper authorities. Before doing so, take a moment to think about if there was anything you could have or should have done differently to prevent the fall, or if it was completely avoidable.
If you were responsible for the accident or had been trespassing on private property when it happened, you probably won’t have a leg to stand on in submitting a slip and fall claim. But if you are positive the accident wasn’t your fault, and you had a right to be where you were, the owner of the property will have to fill out an accident report.
In most cases, property owners aren’t eager to do that, so it’s a good idea to contact the police to report the incident, along with filing a complaint against the owner.
4. Seek Proper Medical Attention
As with all personal injury cases, it is important to see a medical professional as soon after the accident occurs as possible. If you are going to choose to seek compensation from the accident, you will need proper documentation of your injuries. The longer you wait to do this, the easier it will be for the insurance company to argue that your injuries were unrelated to the accident or that you’re exaggerating them.
Along with a diagnosis from your medical provider, make sure you keep receipts for any treatment you receive for the injuries you sustained. This can include receipts for services and devices like x-rays, braces, and casts. It is also important to have documentation from your medical provider if you are going to miss time at work or there will be long-term repercussions from any related injuries.
5. Contact a Personal Injury Attorney Near You
You may notice that there is no “contact the insurance company” step before this one. The key reason for that is because many slip and fall accidents are difficult to prove. Along with needing proper documentation of the accident, your injuries, and all medical treatment received, you also need to prove that the property owner failed in their responsibility to uphold their duty of care to you and was at fault.
If you speak to the insurance company first, they may take whatever you say out of context or twist your words completely. They could possibly even claim you said something you never actually said.
Remember, insurance companies are in business to make money, and every dollar they pay to you is a loss for them. So, they will do everything they can to keep from paying you what you deserve.
And that’s why you should work with an experienced personal injury attorney.
RELATED: How Much are Slip and Fall Accidents Worth?

Clinton Mora is a reporter for Trending Insurance News. He has previously worked for the Forbes. As a contributor to Trending Insurance News, Clinton covers emerging a wide range of property and casualty insurance related stories.