When the power goes out, the clock starts ticking on the food in your fridge and freezer.
Keeping the doors closed allows refrigerated food to stay at safe temperatures for four hours. Things in your freezer will stay good for 24 to 48 hours. But once food reaches an internal temperature of 40 degrees Fahrenheit for more than two hours, it is it might be time to throw it.
Tens of thousands of Californians lost power this week due to strong winds and torrential rain. With inflation and rising commodity prices — $7 for a dozen eggs on averageif you can even find them, losing a fridge full of groceries isn’t small change.
Depending on your utility company, you may be eligible for some form of reimbursement. Or you can have your homeowners or renters insurance cover your damage.
Reimbursement by the energy supplier
Most Southern Californians are served by Southern California Edison or San Diego Gas & Electric. In the city of Los Angeles, it is the LA Department of Water and Power. All three utilities allow you to claim losses from a service disruption, but generally you’re only eligible for reimbursement if the blackout was caused by the provider.
from SCE claims page: “We are liable for any loss resulting from our negligence. However, in many cases we are NOT responsible for power outages, voltage fluctuations, food loss, or property damage that occurs due to forces beyond our control, such as: B. earthquakes and weather-related conditions such as wind, rain, fog, lightning or extreme heat.” And San Diego’s: “We will not be liable for any failure to deliver any gas or electricity service due to circumstances beyond our reasonable control such as: B. Weather conditions.” And in an FAQ, the LA DWP says, “In general, we are liable for losses resulting from our negligence.”
In other words, a massive storm that destroys power lines is unlikely to qualify.
If you still think you’re entitled to a refund from Southern California Edison, the utility is letting customers Register claims online or by telephone, fax, e-mail and post. The company’s website advises that you should submit your claim using one of these methods, not all. For food loss claims, you must provide a detailed list of all spoiled food along with receipts or other documentation of how much it all cost. That’s how it’s done submit a claim to Southern California Edison onlineand Information on how to submit it using other methods. You can also call (800) 655-4555.
And to make a claim with San Diego Gas & Electric, you must download a claim form from the website and email or mail it, or call (800) 411-7343.
For the LA Department of Water and Power, you can submit a claim online, by mail, or by calling (213) 367-4600 or emailing Claims@ladwp.com.
Pacific Gas & Electric, which covers most of Central and Northern California a program called “Safety Net” for customers who have no power for more than 48 hours, even if the power outage occurs due to a storm or other weather-related incident. Qualifying customers can expect an automatic payment of $25 to $100 two to four months after the outage, according to the utility’s website. You do not have to apply to receive a payment under the Safety Net program. If you want If you submit a separate claim to Pacific Gas & Electric, you can do so online here or by calling (800) 743-5000.
reimbursement from your insurance company
Your renters or homeowners insurance could cover spoiled food, including weather-related losses. Exact coverage and the steps to submit a claim vary by insurer; Contact your insurance company’s customer service to find out what you need to do. You will likely need to provide supporting documents such as photos and receipts or other proof of expenses.
A Article on home insurance from comparison shopping site Policygenius notes that your renter’s policy only applies to the policyholder – so your meal might be covered but not your roommate’s.
Industry website Insurance Information Institute advises that your losses may not exceed your deductible, so you may end up paying out of pocket either way (although you would at least contribute to your deductible). And in some cases, more claims could result in higher premiums — “in the eyes of your insurance provider, one claim history increases the likelihood that you’ll file another,” according to a post from LifeHacker, although a single claim over moldy is very unlikely Food is the sole cause of the increase.
Depending on your policy, you may be entitled to other expenses if you have to vacate your home or if you incur expenses such as a hotel room or eating out because you were unable to stay home or cook due to storm damage. See your individual policy for details.
About the Times Utility Journalism Team
This article is from the Times’ Utility Journalism team. Our mission is to be essential to the lives of people in Southern California by publishing information that solves problems, answers questions, and aids in decision making. We serve audiences in and around Los Angeles—including current Times subscribers and diverse communities whose needs have not been met by our coverage in the past.
How can we be useful to you and your community? Email Utility (at) latimes.com or one of our journalists: Matt Ballinger, Jon Healey, Ada Tseng, Jessica Roy and Karen Garcia.
https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2023-01-10/how-to-get-reimbursed-for-spoiled-food-power-outage How to get reimbursed for spoiled food after a power outage

Alice J. Roden started working for Trending Insurance News at the end of 2021. Alice grew up in Salt Lake City, UT. A writer with a vast insurance industry background Alice has help with several of the biggest insurance companies. Before joining Trending Insurance News, Alice briefly worked as a freelance journalist for several radio stations. She covers home, renters and other property insurance stories.