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HR Tools and Training for Local Governments with LGIT at #MACoCon – Conduit Street

HR Tools and Training for Local Governments with LGIT at #MACoCon – Conduit Street

Learn from LGIT at their Solutions Showcase about HR tools and training for local governments.

A non-profit Trust created, owned, and governed by Maryland local governments and endorsed by MACo, LGIT provides various liability and property insurance and health benefits coverages. The Local Government Insurance Trust will provide coverage and risk management services at stable and competitive rates through an organization that is owned and managed by its local government members.

Exploring Essential HR Tools and Training for Local Governments

Human Resources departments perform a wide variety of essential services for county governments. Hear from HR and liability experts with the Local Government Insurance Trust (LGIT) about dedicated online training platforms and in-person classes to meet the training needs of county and municipal governments. Find out how your jurisdiction can receive direct HR assistance – from licensed attorneys – through an employment law hotline and LGIT’s very own HR department. From second opinions on policy issues to safe and correct employment terminations, the experts at LGIT can help! Learn about the HR-related services that LGIT has to offer and how your local government can make use of the resources available.

Date/Time: Wednesday, January 4, 2023, 1:30 PM-2:00 PM

MACo’s Winter Conference, “Hit the Ground Running,” will be held at the Hyatt Regency Chesapeake Bay Hotel in Cambridge, MD from January 4-6, 2023 (with a pre-conference orientation for new county officials on January 3).

Learn more about MACo’s Winter Conference:

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