President Biden hit the grand slam tonight in the bottom of the 9th, but I’ll deal with that in the next article. But Biden made some statements tonight, as well as proposals, one if which set my mind burning.
To start with, in his speech, Biden laid responsibility for mass gun slaughter right where it belongs, with lawful gun owners. He pointed out that in at least two previous mass school shootings, teenage psychopaths were able to just walk into a closet, or down to the basement, load up with an AR-15 and a shitload of clips, drive to a school, and create an instant mass atrocity. This is irresponsible gun ownership!
Biden wants to spotlight individual responsibility. If you want to own enough weapons of war and ammunition to allow you and your softball team to invade Syria if you can work out the travel plans, that’s fine. But keep them locked in a basement with a fucking key only you have access too. Trigger locks would be a nice touch. If an ass clown wants to spring for an AR-15 or ten, or twenty, then he can afford to spring for a reputable gun cabinet.
And if you don’t Then that’s on you, and nobody else. If you personally choose to leave your weapons of mass destruction just laying around the house, and one of your monkey spawn cops one to go and create a mass tragedy, then you should have the privilege of paying for your ignorance to the grieving families.
Which started me thinking. There are too many states to count out there that are not only making it easier to purchase and own a weapon, they’re making it easier to tote around town like your wallet or car keys. States have open carry laws, and more keep passing concealed carry laws. And here’s where my whiskers started twitching. You’re not going to stop these mental midgets from doing this shit, so let’s at least force them to take basic safety protocols.
Look, if you own a boat, and you cruise out onto the lake and run over a couple of kids while you’re texting on your cell phone. you are personally liable! And as a result, most boat owners have boating insurance!
You all know that I’m legally blind with glaucoma. But that won’t stop me from buying a car, going onto the lot and planking down the long green to take ownership. But you know what? I’ll never get the keys and drive off of the lot. Why? Because I can’t provide proof of insurance! All I can do is to sign the title over to Teri, who can obtain insurance.
Forget about regulating guns. Control them instead. Pass a law that mandates that anyone who owns a gun is required to have gun insurance on their weapons. Each firearm that the owner possesses must be registered with the insurance company, and his rates will be based on risk. The insurance companies will love it, especially as problematic as health insurance is getting. And it would have the residual effect of dampening the fervor for more and more gun ownership from a smaller group of people, since they would be required to register their new weapons with the insurance company, and then they’ll pay a premium to the insurance company for covering those guns.
Get my point? Don’t waste your time trying to banish guns that you know the NRA backed GOP will never do. Instead, do what the government does best, and regulate the shit out of them! Let these inbred crackers have all the weapons of mass destruction they want, but if they’re used for mass slaughter, at least the families will have somewhere to go to get some form of compensation for their loss. We already have health insurance, medical insurance, life insurance, boat insurance, homeowner insurance, and auto insurance. Why not mandatory gun insurance? Let the GOP try and explain to the insurance companies why they don’t want them to get billions in profits.

Clinton Mora is a reporter for Trending Insurance News. He has previously worked for the Forbes. As a contributor to Trending Insurance News, Clinton covers emerging a wide range of property and casualty insurance related stories.