HomeCar InsuranceInsurance required to drive in Pa. – InsuranceNewsNet

Insurance required to drive in Pa. – InsuranceNewsNet

Observer-Reporter (Washington, PA)

“Full tort” option – The laws of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania also give you the right to choose a form of insurance under which you maintain an unrestricted right for you and the members of your household to seek financial compensation for injuries caused by other drivers. Under this form of insurance, you and other household members covered under this policy may seek recovery for all medical and other out-of-pocket expenses and may seek financial compensation for pain and suffering and other non-monetary damages as a result of injuries caused by other drivers.

Choosing limited or full tort will result in premium differences and should be discussed with your insurance agent.

Pennsylvania’s laws apply to all registered vehicles. If you own a motorized vehicle and drive it off of your property it may need to be registered and insured.

Bob Hollick is a State Farm Insurance agent based in Washington. His column appears every other Friday in the Observer-Reporter.

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