HomeHome InsuranceJoseph Wallace Looming threats to Lubbock's public safety

Joseph Wallace Looming threats to Lubbock’s public safety

Lubbock firefighters are proud to deliver excellent service, be good stewards of city resources and give back to our community. We also are compelled to alert the people we serve to looming threats to our city’s public safety.

For a generation, we have quietly worked with elected officials and their appointees to help ensure the fire service meets the needs of Lubbock taxpayers as well as firefighter families. A strong fire department not only keeps fire and emergency medical service response times fast, but it also helps keep local property insurance rates lower.


But we now are falling behind in several key areas. Lately, it seems, too many elected officials claim to be public safety supporters, but act differently in private. In other words, they stand with us at parades and memorial services, but undercut our police and fire departments at city hall.

Because Lubbock firefighter pay is no longer competitive, we are losing highly trained, experienced firefighters to other cities. This was not always the case, however. Our city council has not lived up to a 2006 resolution to keep our police officers and firefighters in the top-10 salary range – a commitment that essentially equals our city size, the 10th largest in the state, according to the most recent census.

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