Photo: BC Government
THE NDP noted on Thursday that BC Conservative Leader John Rustad had committed to scrap Premier David Eby’s Enhanced Care insurance system that has saved the average driver $500 a year and helped freeze rates for six straight years.
It pointed out that a recent study commissioned by the Alberta government shows drivers in that province pay far more than in no-fault systems like Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and British Columbia.
A separate study by Ernst & Young shows an 18-year old man in Alberta pays more than double than in BC.
Mike Farnworth, BC NDP candidate, said: “Rustad’s plan pads the pockets of private insurance companies and expensive lawyers. Bringing costly lawyers back into the process would force people to battle in court and increase rates by $500 a year or more. That’s a risk people can’t afford.”

Based in New York, Stephen Freeman is a Senior Editor at Trending Insurance News. Previously he has worked for Forbes and The Huffington Post. Steven is a graduate of Risk Management at the University of New York.