J-Pay controls the phone and email access to prisoners in the State of Florida Corrections institutions. It is a monopoly and expensive. Is there any oversight for that program? Each phone minute is priced at approximately 35 cents as is email. Therefore, a l0 minute phone call is $3.50. A 30 minute call is $10.50. Unaffordable for many families for frequent contact. There seems to be many problems within the system. The correlation of prisoner success and rehabilitation is related to positive family support. J-Pay is not a help.
I just received my car insurance renewal and despite no claims or traffic violations ever, the premium went up again. This time by 37%. Thank you (insert lawyer’s name here) for making my life and the lives of thousands of Florida residents more unaffordable so you can keep increasing your already considerable wealth.
What is the job description Resource Officers? All I see them doing is socializing with office staff, picking up lunches and sitting. No interaction with students. Waste of money!
I prepaid inside for $50 of gas ,The pump stopped at $48.54. So I held the handle down again and got the rest. Just beware.
Opinion: When someone uses an obscenity beginning with “F” in most sentences it shows no brains, no class and a limited vocabulary.
Solar company door-to-door super persistent young sales reps will have cops called for trespassing any time they take “Leave now” as an opportunity to say they’re going to be back again. Solar company managers – I am never going to buy anything from a door-to-door rep, and you’re throwing away any shred of legitimacy if you’re hiring these reps.
With the passing of our Mom we had to re-title her car. “Bettina” at the Orange County tax collectors office was kind enough to answer every question we had and if she didn’t know the answer she asked her managers. It was refreshing to deal with a person who cared enough to go out of her way to help our family.

Based in New York, Stephen Freeman is a Senior Editor at Trending Insurance News. Previously he has worked for Forbes and The Huffington Post. Steven is a graduate of Risk Management at the University of New York.