When it comes to car insurance, smart consumers do their research in a quest for the lowest insurance costs. Whether you drive an Audi or a Ford, the most affordable option is almost always the minimum car insurance requirements of your state of residence. In many states, liability-only auto insurance is the least expensive. It pays for property damage and the medical bills of other people injured in a vehicular accident that was your fault.
After that, the best rates you can get depend on factors like your age, driving record, credit score, and recent accidents, if you’ve had any. For example, here is the Ford model with the lowest insurance rates with a recent accident.
Insurance rates depend on the driver’s unique situation
There are numerous factors that car insurance companies look at when setting rates for consumers, according to NerdWallet. Like any competitive market, you’ll find different rates from different companies, depending on what their priorities are. That’s why gathering your data, and that of anyone else who will be on the policy, and getting quotes from providers is vital in finding the best rates for you.
Age is an important factor. Younger, less experienced teen drivers usually get a higher insurance rate because they present a risk to the provider. As the driver matures, the annual rates decrease as long as they maintain a good driving record and meet other provider requirements.
A good driving record is also crucial in keeping the best insurance rates as providers look at all claims, tickets, traffic violations, and accidents you’ve had in the last five years. They also take into account any remedial driving courses you’ve completed.
The driver’s credit report also affects their car insurance rates. Insurers check driver credit histories because studies indicate those with good credit tend to have fewer claims. The practice allows providers to assign more expensive rates to those most likely to use their insurance.
The Ford with the lowest insurance cost after a recent accident
According to Car Edge data, the Ford model with the lowest insurance rate after a recent accident is the Ford Transit at $2,145 per year. The 2023 Ford Transit offers great features, versatility, and good value in a commercial van that can perform well in business fleets or be the backbone of a small business. They are perfectly comfortable on tamer outdoor adventures when they’re not working hard. According to Car and Driver, they start at $45,350.
Not surprisingly, the Ford Transit Connect is right behind its peer, with an annual insurance cost of $2,173 annually. The Swiss Army knife of city vans, according to Car and Driver, for its versatility and practicality, the Transit Connect starts at $35,995 for its final model year.
In third place is the Ford Escape at $2,179 per year. With its eye-catching exterior, quality selection of powertrains, and generous standard driver-assist features, the popular SUV has a lot to offer, including affordable insurance rates if you have a recent accident. The 2023 models start at $28,995.
Average Ford insurance rates
For fans of Ford vehicles looking for the best rates following a recent accident, Car Edge has done much of the work for you. According to their comparison studies, the average cost of insuring a Ford vehicle is around $1,835 per year which they say is $390 less than the average for other popular car brands.
Their studies assume a 40-year-old driver with good credit and full vehicle coverage who drives 13,000 miles annually. It’s also assumed the driver is on a single-vehicle policy with a new vehicle and no multi-car discounts.
Car Edge points out that rates vary wildly between providers for the same coverage. They recommend getting new quotes especially if you’ve been insured with your current company for more than a few years. It’s a great way to make sure you’re getting the best rate available.
Based in New York, Stephen Freeman is a Senior Editor at Trending Insurance News. Previously he has worked for Forbes and The Huffington Post. Steven is a graduate of Risk Management at the University of New York.