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Why should we trust Harris? | News, Sports, Jobs

Why should we trust Harris? | News, Sports, Jobs

To the editor:

As I read the letters to the editor every week, I notice more and more rhetoric from both political parties. I watched the debate with Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. I watch different TV stations and, especially, the news. My observation of both candidates is that Trump has the experience, due to his previous presidency, and has a vision for the American worker: More jobs, higher wages and less taxes on their pay. Harris seems to talk around all issues — when she does talk. She posted Joe Biden’s economic policies on her website and even took Trump’s idea about not taxing tips and other issues.

I also notice in the letters that I assume are from Republican writers that they are more detailed in their writing. They give facts and figures and examples. The Democrats write empty words — they make no reference to Biden’s domestic or foreign policies, only what Harris will do if elected, and they don’t defend anything she has done in office.

A recent letter writer stated what I think is comical that posting political signs earlier than they should proves Republicans are lawless and can’t be trusted. More important to me is why do I have to trust Harris for what she’ll do when I see what she has not done? During three years she had the opportunity to advise Biden that his polices were wrong, but she didn’t. She just told us that Biden is the brightest, smartest man she knows. She lied for three years knowing he was mentally unstable.

I researched her father. He was a Marxist economics professor who wrote “Capitalist Accumulation and Income Distribution.” It won’t surprise me if she learned many lessons about Marxism from her father. Can she, or the letter writer, explain to me why under Biden and Harris that my food bills are up 21.8 percent, my shelter is up 27.7 percent, energy costs are up 27.6 percent, auto and home insurance is up 55.6 percent and total inflation is up 19.9 percent? Or why mortgage rates are between 6.9 percent and 7.25 percent and gasoline is $3.04 a gallon since they took office?

I never see these statistics on the mainstream media or in the paper. I remember in November 2020 gasoline was $1.80 a gallon and mortgage rates were at 2.75 percent. Disposable income, money left over after paying bills, is now the lowest in history.

I notice that Harris perpetuates falsehoods that Trump supports Project 25 and will eliminate Social Security and Medicare and give only the rich tax breaks, when he has stated many times the opposite. She says she has a new way forward — why, if everything is as good as she claims? I see it as that Trump wants us to keep more of our money. Harris wants our money to give to illegal immigrants and fund programs most Americans don’t support. An example is allowing boys into girls locker rooms.

Pattie Morgan


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