HomeRenters InsuranceRenters insurance: Seemingly small but makes a big difference

Renters insurance: Seemingly small but makes a big difference

CENTRAL ILLINOIS (WMBD) — As dozens are recovering from residential fires across Central Illinois, Frank Friend, Public Information Officer for the Bloomington Fire Department, emphasizes the need for renters insurance.

“It really makes a big significant difference in that first 48 to 72 hours of them putting their life back together,” said Friend.

Part of Friend’s role with the fire department is reunification and getting people stabilized for the first few days after a fire. He said it’s heartbreaking when someone tells him they do not have renters insurance.

“Often times folks are socioeconomically unable to replace the things that have been lost. It’s really sad,” he said. “So for something as cheap as renters insurance it can make the difference in somebody getting themselves put back together or not having a place to live.”

The unexpected, yet common tragedy has Heather Paul, Public Affairs Specialist for State Farm, saying that renters insurance is just as important as getting new furniture for an apartment.

“One of the very first things that you should do when you get an apartment or move into an apartment is get renters insurance and make sure that you understand what is going to be covered under your renters insurance policy. Whether it’s theft, water damage,” she said.

Renters insurance can cover a range of incidents from theft to dog bites.

“You’ve got other people that are living in that apartment complex. If somebody’s toilet overflows above you and leaks down and destroys your things in your apartment, is that covered under your renters insurance policy? Is that covered under their renters insurance policy?”, said Paul.

Both Friend and Paul remind people that renters insurance is also a protection from other people’s mistakes.

“The confusion a lot of times lies with the fact that folks are like ‘Well I’m responsible.’ But you have to remember that if you’re living in a 16 unit apartment building you have 15 other units that can cause that fire,” Friend said.

Friend said that unattended cooking is the leading cause in residential fires.

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