A WYTHALL family have been left ‘appalled’ after their daughter’s car insurance company left them with a £200 charge after changing cars.
The family of three, which asked to remain anonymous, have used Wisedriving since their daughter passed her test in 2017.
They had no problem with the company, until May of last year when their daughter bought a new car.
“We put a deposit down on the car without thinking that Wisedriving wouldn’t insure her,” said the mum.
“So we had to move insurance providers, which was fine. We took the new policy out for a week’s time when her current car was due to be part-exchanged for the new one.
“Once we sorted that we tried to contact Wisedriving to cancel her policy, but couldn’t get through.
“My daughter, husband and I tried numerous times but to no avail.”
She said when they finally got through, Wisedriving said it would need proof of sale before it could cancel the policy.
“Which is ridiculous, what if she just decided she didn’t want to drive anymore? You don’t need a proof of sale before they can cancel the policy.
“We argued against this but they insisted, which meant we had to wait until we part-exchanged her current car before they would so anything.”
The family said the day they brought the new car home they sent all the documents they needed via email and the company confirmed the policy was cancelled.
“She paid her insurance monthly and we originally timed getting a new car at the end of the month so as to not be caught out with a June payment.
“But because of the delay we realised they might want six days insurance off her which was fine as her monthly charge was £56, which would work out to be around £10.
“We were appalled to find out they wanted £200 off us.”
Wisedriving asked for £91.27 for cost of Insurance cover, £75 for a cancellation fee and £90 for non-refundable fees.
“The cancellation fee was irritating but understandable, but the other two figures were plucked from nowhere.
“We checked her bank account, there hadn’t been a payment missed in the five years she’d been with Wisedriving.
“I rang straight back and asked for an explanation of where they got the other two sums from.”
The family were told Wisedriving would get back to them once they had investigated it.
“A week later my daughter comes running to us terrified as she had been sent an email from a debt collection agency, asking for the money.”
Her daughter contacted the debt collection agency and explained the situation and was told it would be queried with Wisedriving.
“Wisedriving came up with another figure which was again wrong.
“We queried the cost, again Wisedriving say they will investigate, again it is sent to a debt collector.”
Last week the family paid the £198.49 charge as this had been going on seven months and their daughter did not want her name to be blacklisted.
“The second debt collection agency we spoke to were nice enough to remove their own £20 charge as they didn’t agree with the way Wisedriving handled the situation.
“I just can’t get over the fact that they’ve treated us like this, my daughter never missed a payment, never complained and this is how she was treated.
“She didn’t want to leave the company, it’s only because they wouldn’t insure her new car that she did.
“We just want people to be aware of what happened, and maybe it’ll help another family in the same situation.”
The Standard contacted Wisedriving and are awaiting a response.

Based in New York, Stephen Freeman is a Senior Editor at Trending Insurance News. Previously he has worked for Forbes and The Huffington Post. Steven is a graduate of Risk Management at the University of New York.